
How Do We work?

When brilliant individuals gather around a table, amazing things are going to happen. That's the first step we take before beginning any client project. To begin the Agile process, our team gathers around a table and discusses the specific needs of the client.

how do we work?

How Do We Shape Your Ideas into Reality?

Before beginning the design process, we gather information about the project's specifications and objectives. While working on a solution, we go deep into the problem to learn everything we can about it. We determine the viability of the product using competitor mapping. Empathy and understanding of clients are essential skills and conduct research to keep a pulse on the market.

We collect important information from reports and turn it into actionable insights for the project's next stage. As time goes on, we learn more about the needs and habits of the users.


What Do We Provide?

Proof of Concept

A short activity to realize the concept, we try to create a Proof of Concept to test a design concept or idea. The primary goal of creating a POC is to show the viability, functioning, and validity of the project.

Fixed Cost Project

We offer fixed costs after finalizing and freeze the scope of work. It helps the startups in reducing the costs of the MVP.

Minimum Viable Products

We build a minimum viable product for startups to validate with the early users. It helps startups gather input for future product development by using a version of the product that has just enough functionality to be useful.

Time & Materials

We offer clients to pay for time and materials. It helps construction contracts, product development agreements, and other agreements where the employer agrees to go by the resources available and the time taken.

Our Development Processes

Agile Development

  • Best suited when the product vision is not well defined.
  • A long-term goal is divided into short goals to realise, improvise and evaluate.
  • A close cooperation between stakeholders and developers team.
agile development

Waterfall Development

  • Best suited when product vision is clear and well documented.
  • A working software is delivered at the end of defined timeline or phases.
  • We take care of the design, development, and testing of the product before releasing it.
waterfall development

DevOps Management

  • DevOps teams ideate, define and describe features & capabilities of the applications and systems they are building.
  • Offer a significantly lower failure rate for new releases.
  • Implements full governance and audits the mechanism of processes followed.
devOps management